Monday, February 7, 2011

Day Six - John Chapter Six

  Did you catch the Superbowl this past Sunday? I took the day off from the 21 Day Challenge to enjoy a little sports action. Reflecting back on the game, I think God has something to share with me. I'll get to that in a few minutes.

  The sixth chapter of the Gospel of John has so much in it it would be difficult for me to compose something worth reading. In the chapter are two of the coolest miracles performed by Jesus, but that's just my opinion. Still, these miracle point to what Jesus is as well as who He is. The first miracle tells how Jesus fed the multitudes with just "five barley loaves and two fish." It's a cool event but I'll let you read about it. The other miracle is how Jesus came to the disciples "walking on the sea." The rest of the chapter is a lengthy teaching from Jesus on the "bread of life," "true food," and "true drink."

   The first question to answer in the challenge is what does the chapter tell about Jesus. Reading about the miracles and the discourse Jesus is the true provider, the calmer of the storms in life, and again the Savoir; "...everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day." John 6:40. I believe exactly that, and although I can't explain the why about it, I do.

   Now comes the part of figuring out what Jesus wants me to do. The answer is found in the first miracle in the chapter: Feeding the multitudes. If you read the story you see the Bible doesn't mention anyone else except a young boy having any food to eat and if they did they weren't going to share it. The boy has a bag lunch and he wants to share it. I don't know if he knew Jesus could do something with it or if he thought he could pool it with everyones elses lunch and have a little 'pot luck'. The point is the boy gave all he had. God wants all I have to offer. Reflecting about yesterdays sporting event, I didn't give God anything. I didn't give Him any time, any thought, anything at all. He just wants a real relationship with me. I need to tighten up!

   The wow in this chapter has got to be the lunch Jesus provided for the thousands of people on that hill side. The multitude in itself is amazing. The way a little boy shows up prepared. The people physically saticefide with food left over. The whole thing shouts AWESOME! God bless.

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