Thursday, January 14, 2010

What If Tomorrow Never Comes

World renown country legend Garth Brooks has a song titled, What If Tomorrow Never Comes. Some lyrics in the song go something like:
"If tomorrow never comes will she know how much I love her?
Have I shown every way, have I shown her every day she's the
only one?"

This song has really been the cornerstone of how I approach my relationship with My wife, Debbie. Working away from home and being gone so much it's vital she know (I mean really know) how much I love her and how much I cherish her. I think I do a good job of that.

Chapter two of Crazy Love, by Francis Chan is titled, "You May Not Finish This Chapter." The theme of the chapter is really "What if tomorrow never comes?" We really do take take life for granted, especially when we're younger. Yet when middle age comes and sunset the years approach our human mortality enters our mind more frequently. That thinking is contrary to God's word and the Bible's teaching. James 4:14 says "... your life is but a vapor..." and we are only here for a moment. Just look at the thousands of lives lost in the recent earthquake in Haiti. The truth is we are not guaranteed our next breath and we need to approach our relationship with Jesus the same way we approach our relationships with the loved ones in our life. Does God know you love him? The lyrics to our song could go, "Have I shown God every way, have I shown God every day how much I love Him?" What a sobering and extremely convicting thought. I know I haven't.

Chan shares a story in this chapter that really hit home with me. He tells of a gentleman, Stan Gurlock, giving a eulogy at a funeral and feels led to share the Gospel with the mourners. He ends his talk with the question, "Are you ready?" Returning to the pugh he abroptly collapsed and died. Chan meets the family at the Gurlock home, comforts the wife and talks with the son and the the son says, "My Dad died doing what he loved." Being at a loss Chan opened his Bible and read Matthew 10:32-33
"Whover acknowledges me before before men, I will also acknowlege him before my Father in Heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown before my Father in Heaven."

Chan goes on to describe the scene in Heaven. Gurlock is standing before God and Jesus is speaking, "This is my man Dan. He told others about me. Let me tell you a little something about him." Wouldn't each of us love to stand before the Throne of Grace with Jesus by our side and hear Him say, "Let me tell you about..."

God Bless, Vernon

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