Monday, June 13, 2011

Say "Yes"

    You ever think you've heard from God and He's asked you to do something that seems impossible or even stupid? Your answer may have been, "Heck no, I can't do that," or, "You must not know what you're asking."

    Look at the story of Ananais in Acts 9. Ananais was disciple and must have had a intimate relationship with God. God called him and he answered, "Here I am." They have this give and take conversation and Ananais is instructed to go find Saul (hasn't become Paul yet). Can you imagine what was going through Ananais' mind has he agreed? After all, Saul not too many verses earlier was "breathing threats and murder against the disciples..." I know I would have second thoughts going through my mind.

    At church yesterday I walked away with the message "Just say yes." Through the worship music and preaching the message was allow God to change you and when he calls answer him with, "Yes." It's basically, be what God wants you to be and if that involves change - change. Take that message with a recent devotional involving "change." In that devotional a statement rang out: "Change what you can and let God change what you can't." It's apparent God wants to grow me in some way and we all know I can use some growing. I'm going to do my part and allow Him to have His will with me. Hopefully when He calls I'll be able to answer, "Here I am God" and what ever He asks me to do I'll be able to do.

    Just thought I'd share my morning thoughts with you. Until we chat again may God bless you and your family. Take care, Vernon

1 comment:

  1. The Old Testament always reminds me of how much I like the Jewish form of prayer, where petitionary-style has its place, but it's also OK to complain, ask questions, and wait for answers direct from the source. That kind of honesty and the open relationship is foters always impresses me.
