Friday, February 4, 2011

Day Four - John Chapter Four

The fourth chapter of John's gospel introduces us to two contrasting characters: the Samaritan Woman and the Official of Capernaum. Although each is different, the way Jesus interacts with both of them shows He's the Savior, full of grace and mercy.

Jesus was on his way to Galilee and for some reason decided to pass through Samaria. Without getting too much into a history lesson, Jews didn't journey into Samaria and Jews and Samaritans really didn't like each other. Jesus comes upon a well and a woman gathering water. He asks her for a drink and there begins a long discourse on the woman's character, the Samaritans religious belief and "water." Jesus calls Himself "living water" in verse 10 and that if "whoever drinks of it will never thirst again" in verse 14. Long story short, the woman realizes He's the Messiah and goes into town and gives account to what went on and brings a bunch of people back. Jesus stays there a couple of days and I'm sure a revival set in.

A few days later, Jesus arrives back in Cana and encountered a different person. In contrast to the Samaritan woman, Jesus meets a royal official of Capernaum. Without doing any research, I don't much about the official other than he was significantly higher up the food chain. Turns out the official's son is sick and near death and the only hope he has is a miracle from Jesus. Having made a 20 mile journey from Capernaum to Cana the official pleads his case. Jesus simply spoke the words, "Go; your son lives" in verse 50 and the man believed and started home. On the way home he received word his son was well and that he became well the minute Jesus spoke the words.

So what do these verses say about Jesus and what does he want me to believe? To me they show He is God in the flesh. When you read the verses about the Samaritan woman He knows the "junk" about her that only she would know. Dealing with the official Jesus conquers distance and time to perform a miracle simply by speaking the words. The one thing that screams to me in this chapter is the impartiality. Two totally different people at extreme ends of society both socially, ethnically, and physically. The same faith mixed with the same grace and mercy equaled the same outcome - life. I believe God will meet us exactly where we are and it doesn't matter who we are. All it takes is faith to believe.

So, how am I supposed to apply this chapter to my life? I need to free myself from whatever is hindering me from a more intimate relationship with Jesus. In verse 28 the woman "left her water pot and went..." She left the thing that burdened her. The official left his town and responsibilities to meet Jesus. Maybe, those where holding him down. I don't have any "real burdens" keeping me from a more intimate relationship with Jesus but i do have priority issues. I think it's clear God wants to be first in my life and he wants me to make the changes so He can be.

The wow factor in this chapter has to be the interaction Jesus has with the Samaritan woman. A woman of questionable character. A woman with ethnic baggage. A woman in general and yet Jesus knows everything about her. He exhibits such grace and mercy and to me shows her the true love she's been searching for. It's kind of a picture of us isn't it? Each of us has things in our past we're not fond of or want to brag about. Isn't it cool Jesus knows exactly who you are and wants to do for you and me what he did thousands of years ago for the woman at the well. God bless and chat with you tomorrow.

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